Ways to work together…

  • Online Group Breathwork

    Become a Patreon supporter to join the monthly online breathwork group I facilitate over Zoom. Patronage is sliding scale $5-$33/month.

  • In-Person Breathwork

    I work with breathwork private and small group sessions in NE Minneapolis at Constellation Acupuncture & Healing Arts.

  • Group Facilitation

    Bring the power of breathwork to an event or community. I offer both in-person and virtual breathwork facilitation for groups of all sizes. Reach out to learn more.

what my clients are saying:

  • "I have a business coach where we breathe and pull cards and it's more impactful than nearly anything else I've spent money on in my business before."

    Shay Schindler
    Sales With Shay

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 Why Breathwork?

Because breathwork tells us the truth when we need it. Capitalism, white supremacy, and patriarchy try to tell us that we can’t trust our inner knowing - but I call bullshit. Breathwork has helped hundreds of values-driven business owners find deeper clarity and trust in decisions - leading to businesses people believe in.

It can help you do that too.

 Try Breathwork

Learn how to use the healing practice of breathwork to develop your intuition, trust your inner knowing, and fall back in love with your business.

If you’ve done breathwork with me before, head to the 8-min mark to jump right into the breathwork practice.

Interested in working together?

Medical disclaimer: 
Breathwork is a powerful experiential tool and process that allows deep self- exploration and transformation. Breathwork uses the power of breath and music to help you access a non-ordinary state of consciousness. Because this process can bring up intense emotions and strong physical experiences, please understand that issues arising from participation in Breathwork may require additional therapeutic or supportive interventions. If you are in the first trimester of a high-risk pregnancy, have a history with seizures, or any other significant health issue, please discuss if Breathwork is appropriate for you with your healthcare provider.


What can I expect during breathwork?

Everyone's experience is different - so there's no hard and fast rule for what to experience and there are a variety of physical and emotional experiences you may move through. You may feel lots of sensation in your physical body like tingling, tightness, or hot/cold sensations. Emotions might also come to the surface - and with them tears might too. Some folks have even likened their breathwork experiences to altered states of consciousness, including intuitive messages. By the end of the session, you may feel elation and deep connection to life.

How does breathwork work?

Breathwork moves stuck energy, emotions, and beliefs by tapping into our limbic brain – our emotional center – where we feel, process, and release very old hurts. The deeper we get into the breath, the more our conscious brain takes a backseat to the wisdom of our body. We start to release trapped energy and even trauma from the body, often through physical sensations such as vibrating or slight shaking of the body. Sometimes we can even have slightly psychedelic experiences in breathwork, all without the use of any substances! Because our conscious brain is taking a break, messages from our intuition come through loud and clear during breathwork, without the distractions or fears of our conscious mind.

How do I prepare for breathwork?

One of the beauties of breathwork is that you don't really need to "prepare" anything if you don't want to. But I know that feeling prepared is a way to feel safe when trying something new. So here are a few tips: Find a private place where you can lay down uninterrupted for the length of our time together. Let anyone else in your space know that this is a "do not disturb" time for you. It can also be nice to have the following close by: a blanket (in case you get cold), an eye pillow/folded up washcloth to cover your eyes (to help you get out of your head and into your body), and a pillow (I will ask you to make some noise - if you're concerned about that sort of thing, the pillow can muffle it).

What does the breath pattern look like?

It's a three-part breath that's both inhaled and exhaled through the mouth. The first breath is a deep belly breath that really expands the diaphragm. Before exhaling, there's a second inhale into the upper chest. Then the whole breath can then be released through the exhale. After the active breath portion, there's always a resting portion with a more natural, restful breath pattern through the nose or mouth.

Can I do breathwork on my own?

Absolutely! My favorite thing about breathwork is that it reminds us that we are our own best healer. I've worked with many folks who started their breathwork practice in our coaching partnership, and then continued to practice the breath on their own after our sessions were complete. Each of my 1:1 clients also receives custom breathwork recordings for them to use between our coaching sessions for extra support as they move through transitions.

 Learn more about my commitment to equity.